
Raindrop Moves Forward

“Proper knowledge in the prevention of disease is one of the greatest safeguards for the protection and preservation of the home.”  (Library of Health)

Have you ever thought you knew where you going only to find out you had lost the directions to your final destination?  Most of us have found  ourselves on a slightly unfamiliar path at one time or another.  Some will panic.  Others will seek solutions to the current dilemma. A true seeker will stop to look around to find his or her bearings.  As soon as a familiar landmark is located, the person proceeds to the final destination.  In this scenario, the body contains an energetic map.  The map contains the pathways towards health and away from dis-ease.

The paths may be confusing – names of streets or side roads may change names as you travel to your final destination.  You may not know which way to turn at first.  Learning the language when traveling in a foreign country represents an additional challenge.  Some highway signs may have images to help understand the signs.  With a little imagination, you may be able to discern you are intended to stop at a specific crossroad.   The sign in front of you is a large red octagon with words in an unfamiliar language.  But when you travel byways there may be signs with no images.  Now what are you to do?

You have only a few choices.  You can flag down a passerby who probably does not  know your language.  You could panic but that really won’t get you very far.  If you are not in a big hurry to get some where, you could begin to learn the language of the signs on the pathways.  Or humbly ask for guidance from your heart.  Where the heart leads the body must follow.  One does not travel without the other.

As you try to determine where you are and where you need to be, I hope this manual will serve as both a compass and a map.  With the proper tools to guide you, you will know which way to turn when signs along a path change.

Paths of a body may be thought of as a mass of phone lines, electrical power grids or rivers.   As an Aquarian teacher, I vary between phone lines and waterways.  One may choose the his/her best path of understanding.  Choose a mental visualization which best fits your personal imagery.

Major trunks passing through a body can be represented as major phone lines, power grids or rivers.  Branching off major rivers, there are the minor paths of smaller extension lines or streams.   Each has a different road sign.  And a different name depending on the community it passes through.  The roads all have the capacity to lead to either healing or to dis-ease.  Regardless of the end result, some of the paths may be quite rocky.  Some paths may be littered with boulders or debris to be removed.   Some roadways may be too obstructed to work with at all.  You may be required to turn around to find a more navigable cross road.  Irregardless, each body provides endless scenarios of the possibility to reawaken its innate healing capacity.

Pronounce the Pathway Sign 

    Now that you have found a road sign you have the task of learning to speak the language.  But which language?  It all depends on “who” wrote the travel book.


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